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broadside the simultaneous discharge of all the guns on one side of a warship. [1/9 definitions]
cutaway a switch from one scene to another in a film, used to create suspense, show a simultaneous event, or the like; cutaway shot. [1/4 definitions]
doublethink the simultaneous acceptance of two contradictory statements.
fusillade a continuous or simultaneous discharge of many firearms. [1/3 definitions]
harmony in music, the simultaneous production of notes causing a blending of sounds that is pleasant to the ear. [1/4 definitions]
juggle to cope with (several simultaneous demanding activities). [1/8 definitions]
love-hate characterized by simultaneous feelings of love and hatred.
multimedia including or involving the simultaneous use of several arts or performance media. [1/3 definitions]
multiplex of, relating to, or involving the sending or receiving of two transmissions at the same time on the same channel or equipment, or the use of equipment capable of such simultaneous transmission. [2/5 definitions]
nonsimultaneous combined form of simultaneous.
operating system in computing, the software that controls and manages all aspects of a computer's operation, including the execution of application programs; the functioning of computer hardware; data input and output; the timing of and allocation of resources to the execution of multiple, simultaneous tasks; the physical storage and location of data; and computer security. Users interact with the operating system though a graphical user interface.
real time the actual time required for a computer to complete a computation, the result being necessary to control a currently ongoing process, such as the simultaneous booking of airline tickets. [1/2 definitions]
simulcast a simultaneous broadcast of a program on both television and radio. [1/2 definitions]
synchronous of events, historical periods, and the like, occurring at the same time; simultaneous; contemporaneous. [1/3 definitions]
three-ring circus a circus having simultaneous performances in three separate rings. [1/2 definitions]
unison (prec. by "in") the simultaneous sounding of voices, or of musical tones in the same pitch or in octaves. [1/2 definitions]
valence in chemistry, the quality that determines the number of atoms or chemical groups with which a given atom can form simultaneous covalent bonds. [1/2 definitions]
volley a simultaneous discharge of firearms or other weapons. [1/7 definitions]