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antiscorbutic a substance that prevents or cures scurvy, such as vitamin C. [1/2 definitions]
ascorbic acid an organic acid found in many foods, esp. citrus fruits, and required in human nutrition for the production of collagen; vitamin C.
avitaminosis a disease caused by vitamin deficiency.
bioflavonoid any of a group of yellow hydrocarbon pigments found in many flowers and fruits, once thought to be important as a vitamin in humans; vitamin P.
biotin a compound considered part of the vitamin B complex, found in milk, egg yolks, and yeast.
calciferol a form of vitamin D.
carotene a reddish orange hydrocarbon pigment produced in orange, yellow, and dark green plant parts, and required in human nutrition as a source of vitamin A.
cholecalciferol vitamin D.
choline a vitamin of the vitamin B complex, found in most animal and vegetable foods.
cobalamin vitamin B-12.
cyanocobalamin a form of vitamin B12.
ergocalciferol a sterol that can be converted into vitamin D and added to foods.
ergosterol a sterol derived from yeast which produces vitamin D2, used to prevent or cure certain diseases such as rickets.
extrinsic factor a vitamin found in foods such as milk, eggs, and fish, used in the treatment of anemia; vitamin B12.
folacin a compound found in leafy green vegetables, essential in human nutrition for the production of blood cells, amino acids, and nucleic acids, and considered to be part of the vitamin B complex.
folate a water-soluble B vitamin, found in leafy green vegetables, nuts, and legumes, that is essential for the production of blood cells, amino acids, and nucleic acids; also known as folacin, folic acid, and vitamin B9.
hip2 the ripened fruit of the rose, used as a source of vitamin C and as a flavoring.
inositol a hydrocarbon alcohol essential for metabolism, sometimes considered a vitamin of the vitamin B complex and found in most animal and vegetable foods.
intrinsic factor a substance secreted by the stomach that promotes the body's ability to absorb vitamin B12.
niacin a compound found in many foods, esp. meat, milk, and legumes, considered part of the vitamin B complex.
night blindness abnormally weak vision in dim light or darkness, caused by a deficiency of vitamin A.