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chlorofluorocarbon any of a group of compounds containing carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, which were once commonly used as refrigerants, solvents, and aerosol propellants but are now being phased out as they contribute to ozone depletion (abbreviated CFC.)
F2 symbol of the chemical element fluorine.
fluoride a chemical compound that contains fluorine as one of its elements.
fluorinate to treat, combine, or inject with fluorine. [1/2 definitions]
fluorite a transparent, crystalline, and variously colored mineral that is the chief source of fluorine; calcium fluoride.
fluoro- fluorine. [1/2 definitions]
fluorocarbon any of various organic chemical compounds resulting from the substitution of fluorine for hydrogen in a hydrocarbon, used in refrigeration, lubrication, plastic and resin manufacture, as a fire extinguisher, and formerly as the propellant in aerosol cans.
halogen any of the five nonmetallic elements fluorine, chlorine, iodine, bromine, and astatine.