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Dictionary Suite
amphibian any cold-blooded vertebrate, such as a frog or salamander, that has aquatic gill-breathing larvae and terrestrial lung-breathing adults. [2/4 definitions]
hemisphere either of two halves of the terrestrial globe, formed by dividing it into northern and southern parts at the equator, or into eastern and western parts at the prime meridian. [1/3 definitions]
planetary pertaining to the earth; terrestrial; ordinary. [1/3 definitions]
sow bug any of several small terrestrial, oval, segmented isopods, often found under logs or stones; wood louse.
tektite any of numerous small, roundish pieces of natural glass found in various parts of the world and believed to have originated from meteorite impacts when melted terrestrial rocks get ejected into the air and then quickly cool.
tellurian characteristic of or pertaining to the earth or its inhabitants; terrestrial. [1/3 definitions]
turtle any of numerous aquatic or terrestrial reptiles that have a soft body enclosed in a hard shell, into which head, legs, and tail may be retracted. [1/2 definitions]
wood louse any of certain small terrestrial crustaceans that have seven pairs of legs and flat elliptical bodies, such as the sow bug.