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bequest property handed down by will; legacy. [1/2 definitions]
byname a surname or descriptive phrase following a name that identifies an individual but is not handed down to offspring. [1/2 definitions]
clap a forceful, open-handed slap or blow. [1/11 definitions]
deposit money handed over temporarily to guarantee the return of some item. [1/10 definitions]
dextral right-handed. [1/3 definitions]
flagrante delicto (Latin) while the crime is blazing; while the crime is going on; red-handed. [1/2 definitions]
flier a printed sheet to be handed out or mailed for advertising or publicity; handbill. [1/4 definitions]
folk dance a dance or type of dance originated, performed, and handed down by the common folk of a region or country. [1/2 definitions]
folklore the legends, traditions, customs, beliefs, and the like, of a racial, geographical, or national group, handed down through the generations. [1/3 definitions]
folk music music originated, handed down, and played or sung by the common folk of a region or country, often fairly simple and repetitive in structure. [1/2 definitions]
free-handed giving generously; open-handed. [1/3 definitions]
impartial not partial or prejudiced; even-handed or objective.
left-hander a person who favors use of the left hand; left-handed person.
lefty (informal) a left-handed person. [1/2 definitions]
legend a story that cannot be verified but has importance among the people of a culture and has been handed down from earlier generations, or a collection of such stories, esp. as they relate to a specific event or persons of the past. [1/4 definitions]
sinistral left-handed. [1/3 definitions]
slice in sports such as golf and baseball, the curve of a ball away from the direction intended and toward the right if the player is right-handed, or a ball that follows such a path. [1/11 definitions]
southpaw (informal) one who is left-handed, esp. a baseball pitcher. [2 definitions]
switch-hitter a baseball player who is able to bat either left-handed or right-handed. [1/2 definitions]
Ten Commandments according to the Old Testament, the ten laws handed down by God to Moses on Mount Sinai that constitute the fundamental code of moral responsibility for both Jews and Christians; Decalogue.
tradition the beliefs, customs, and mores of a culture or group handed down from one generation to the next, or a particular one of these. [1/2 definitions]