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Dictionary Suite
Eagle Scout a Boy Scout who has achieved this rank. [1/2 definitions]
Harriet Tubman American abolitionist who escaped slavery yet returned to the South to rescue others, making use of the Underground Railroad. During the Civil War, Tubman acted as a scout and spy for the Union Army. After the war, she became an activist for the rights of women. (b. 1822?--d. 1913).
outrider one who rides before a vehicle, wagon train, procession, or the like as a scout, guide, or escort. [1/2 definitions]
Scout (chiefly British) a member of the Scouts, an international organization for youth; Boy Scout; Girl Scout.
scout a member of a Boy Scout or Girl Scout troop. [1/8 definitions]
scoutmaster the adult in charge of a Boy Scout troop.
superscout combined form of scout.