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Baal any of various local deities, usu. fertility gods, worshiped by certain ancient Semitic peoples. [1/2 definitions]
back road (often pl.) a country road or local road that avoids traffic as well as high speed travel.
benzocaine a white, odorless, tasteless powder used in ointments as a local anesthetic and a shield against sunburn.
boss1 a politician who dominates a local party. [1/7 definitions]
cable television a form of television in which the sound and picture signals from distant stations are received by a master antenna and then delivered by electrical cable. Cable television typically provides clear reception, access to a large number of channels, and a relatively wide range of programming, whereas conventional television is limited to the reception of signals from local stations.
cacique in Spain and Latin America, a local political boss. [1/3 definitions]
church the local or national organization and authority of a particular religious denomination. [1/6 definitions]
Co.2 abbreviation of "County," a subdivision of a U.S. state for purposes of local administration and government (used in a proper name). [1/2 definitions]
communalism a theory or system of government in which local communities or communes have virtual autonomy within a loose federation. [1/2 definitions]
community chest a fund made up of private contributions collected for distribution to local charitable, welfare, and service organizations.
community college a junior college primarily serving, and often funded by, its local community.
company store a retail store operated as a monopoly by the same company that employs the local work force.
cosmopolitan not encumbered by local prejudices or customs; at ease in most areas and countries. [2/3 definitions]
council (chiefly British) an elected body that governs in local areas. [1/2 definitions]
counterirritant something that produces a slight local irritation, as of the skin, to counteract or relieve a more serious, general inflammation.
county a subdivision of a U.S. state for purposes of local administration and government. [1/3 definitions]
decentralize to assign the powers and functions of (a central organization or service) to various local branches or entities. [1/2 definitions]
devolution the delegation of certain powers from a central to a local government. [1/4 definitions]
diet2 in some nations, a national or local legislative body.
diplomatic immunity exemption from local laws, granted to diplomatic personnel and their dependents while in a foreign country.
Ethernet a standard local area network architecture that specifies connection types, devices, and protocols (formerly a Xerox Corporation trademark).