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flagellum a whiplike filament extending from certain simple cells, such as reproductive cells or single-celled animals, used mainly for locomotion. [1/3 definitions]
incandescent lamp a lamp or light bulb in which a filament is made to glow by electric current.
light bulb an incandescent electric light, or the bulb-shaped glass housing that encloses its filament.
monofilament a single thick filament of a synthetic fiber such as nylon.
multifilament combined form of filament.
rayon a thread made by converting a solution of a natural pulp, usu. cellulose, into filament by extruding through spinnerets. [1/2 definitions]
rhizoid a rootlike filament that connects a plant, such as a fern or moss, to the substratum where it derives nourishment. [1/2 definitions]
rope to be drawn out in a line or filament like a rope. [1/8 definitions]
tentacle something that resembles such an appendage or filament. [1/3 definitions]
thread a strand or fiber of some other natural or manufactured substance; filament. [1/12 definitions]
tungsten lamp an electric lamp with a tungsten filament or filaments that uses very low wattage.