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Dictionary Suite
antivivisection opposition to experimentation performed on living animals, as in medical research.
avant-garde of or relating to artistic experimentation and invention. [1/3 definitions]
Beat Generation (sometimes l.c.) used to characterize some members of the generation that reached maturity in the late 1950s, esp. in the United States, who were alienated from conventional society and who promoted experimentation in artistic and literary forms.
culture a colony of bacteria or other microscopic living matter, often produced for medical purposes or scientific experimentation. [1/8 definitions]
empiricism the practice of science based on experimentation and observation rather than on theory. [1/3 definitions]
laboratory a place designed for scientific investigation and experimentation. [2/4 definitions]
modern art artistic production associated with a movement in art that began in the late 19th century and continued through the late 20th century, during which period an interest in realism and the use of traditional materials diminished and an interest in abstraction and experimentation with materials flourished.
rhesus a monkey of India, often used in biological experimentation and research.
simulator a device, machine, or computer that produces, as realistically as possible, an environment or certain conditions for training or experimentation.