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back up to create and store a copy of (a computer file), often in a separate location, in case the original is damaged or lost. [1/8 definitions]
battle station the place to which military personnel or craft are to report in case of attack or emergency.
civil defense emergency procedures and facilities organized by civilians for the protection of people and property in cases of flood, famine, war, or the like.
equity in law, a system supplementing the common law and serving to allow flexibility in cases where strict application of the law would result in hardship or unfairness. [1/5 definitions]
fallback something to which one can resort in case of failure of one's first efforts. [1/2 definitions]
fire drill a practice exercise covering what to do in case of a fire, either in combating the fire or in escaping from it.
fire escape a fireproof stairway, ladder, or the like, usu. on the outside of a building, used as an emergency exit in case of fire.
firetrap a building that is at high risk of catching fire and is esp. dangerous in case of fire.
first mortgage a primary lien against a piece of property that takes precedence in case of default over all other mortgages or liens except those given priority by law, such as real estate taxes.
insurer someone or something that insures, esp. a person or company in the business of guaranteeing protection or compensation in case of loss or harm.
ketoacidosis low blood pH due to high levels of ketone bodies in the blood, esp. occurring in cases of diabetes, alcoholism, and starvation.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. an influential U.S. Supreme Court justice (1902-1932), known for exercising judicial restraint and cited frequently for the opinion he wrote for Schenck v. United States, in which he argued that freedom of speech could be limited only in cases when particular acts of expression presented a "clear and present danger" to the country or its people (b.1841--d.1935).
safety net a large net suspended beneath circus aerialists in case of a fall. [1/2 definitions]
smelling salts a scented preparation of ammonium carbonate used as an inhaled restorative, as in cases of fainting.
solicitor general in the U.S. Department of Justice, the law officer directly below the attorney general; government's representative in cases before the Supreme Court. [1/2 definitions]