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adulterate sexually unfaithful to one's spouse, or tainted by unfaithfulness; adulterous. [1/3 definitions]
adultery willing sexual intercourse between a married person and another who is not his or her spouse.
alimony financial support given by one separated or divorced spouse to the other, usu. by legal agreement. [1/2 definitions]
better half (informal) one's spouse, usu. the wife.
brother-in-law the brother of one's spouse. [1/3 definitions]
desertion willful abandonment of one's spouse or children, as well as all related legal responsibilities. [1/2 definitions]
ex2 (informal) a former spouse.
extramarital of or pertaining to sexual relations between a married person and someone other than his or her spouse; adulterous.
faithful sexually loyal; not having sexual relations with those other than one's partner or spouse. [1/7 definitions]
helpmate a helping companion, esp. a spouse.
husband a man who is married; a male spouse. [1/2 definitions]
monogamous having only one spouse.
no-fault of or pertaining to a system of divorce in which a decree is granted without fault being assigned to either spouse. [1/2 definitions]
partner a spouse, or a person with whom one is in a romantic relationship that is considered permanent. [1/6 definitions]
polygamy the practice or state of having more than one spouse, esp. more than one wife, at a time. (Cf. monogamy.)
princess the spouse of a prince. [1/4 definitions]
sister-in-law the sister of one's spouse. [1/3 definitions]
spousal of or concerning a spouse.
stepchild the child of one's spouse by a previous marriage.
stepdaughter the daughter of one's spouse by a previous marriage.
stepson the son of one's spouse by a previous marriage.