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attaché case a flat rectangular briefcase, hinged like a suitcase, and usu. used for carrying business papers or documents.
baguette a gem cut in a long, rectangular shape. [1/3 definitions]
banner a rectangular space that may occupy the top, bottom, or side edge of a webpage and is typically used for announcements and advertisments. [1/6 definitions]
barrow1 a flat, rectangular frame used for carrying a load, supported by handles at each end or handles at one end and a wheel at the other; wheelbarrow.
billiards (used with a sing. verb) a game played on a cloth-covered rectangular table that has a cushioned rim, in which players use a long cue stick to drive hard balls against one another or into pockets at the edges and corners of the table. (Cf. pool2.)
blanket a thick, rectangular piece of woven material used on a bed for warmth or worn as a garment. [1/5 definitions]
board a flat, rectangular piece of wood, cardboard, or the like, used for a specific purpose. [1/9 definitions]
border a strip of earth or a rectangular flower bed planted with decorative flowers or shrubbery. [1/6 definitions]
box1 a container made of cardboard, wood, or other stiff material, usu. rectangular and having a lid for the top. [2/9 definitions]
brick a uniform, rectangular block of clay, dried and hardened by sun or in a kiln, used as a building material. [1/6 definitions]
briefcase a small rectangular case for carrying documents or books.
bumper sticker a usu. rectangular piece of laminated paper printed with a slogan, aphorism, advertisement, or the like that may be stuck to the bumper of an automobile.
chocolate a single small piece of chocolate candy, usually rectangular, round, or oval in shape and often containing a sweet filling or nuts. [1/7 definitions]
coffin a rectangular box in which a dead person is buried or cremated.
cube1 a rectangular solid with six square faces all of the same size. [1/5 definitions]
cuboid a geometric shape with six rectangular sides. [1/4 definitions]
cutting board a rectangular board, often made of wood, used esp. for cutting vegetables or meats.
dado in carpentry, a rectangular groove into which the end of a board is or can be set. [1/3 definitions]
dentil one of a group of small rectangular blocks resembling teeth, such as those forming a molding or projecting from under a cornice.
domino1 one of a set of small, flat, rectangular game pieces, the faces of which bear different numbers of dots. [1/2 definitions]
drawing board a large, smooth, rectangular board on which paper or canvas is mounted before being drawn upon.