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Achilles the hero of The Iliad, who is killed by an arrow in his heel, his only vulnerable spot.
Achilles tendon the large tendon that connects the calf muscles to the back of the heel.
bootjack a forked device used to grip the heel of a boot while the foot is withdrawn.
buck and wing a fast tap dance characterized by much leaping and heel clicking.
calcaneus the large tarsal bone that forms the human heel. [1/2 definitions]
Cuban heel a heel of medium height and width, slightly tapered in back, used on some women's shoes.
flat1 (often pl.) a type of woman's shoe with no heel or a very low heel. [1/17 definitions]
heel1 the part of a shoe that supports the heel of a human foot. [3/9 definitions]
high-heeled of a shoe, particularly one worn by women, having a somewhat or very high heel.
loafer (cap.) trademark for a casual slip-on shoe with a flat heel. [1/2 definitions]
moccasin a soft leather shoe or slipper without a hard sole or a heel, made originally by American Indians. [1/3 definitions]
mule2 a house slipper for women, with a raised heel but no back.
rand1 in shoemaking, a piece of leather attached to the back of the sole before the heel is put on.
shoehorn a curved implement shaped to be inserted into the heel of a shoe so it will slip onto the foot more easily. [1/2 definitions]
soleus a muscle in the back of the leg of humans and some other mammals that runs from the knee to the heel and is involved in walking and standing.
spur a device attached to a rider's boot heel that has a spike or toothed wheel and is used to urge the horse forward. [1/7 definitions]
stacked heel a shoe heel that is composed of several layers of material such as leather, often in alternating shades.
stem2 in skiing, to push the heel of (one or both skis) outward to turn or decelerate. [2/5 definitions]
tap1 a thin layer of leather or other material added to the heel or sole of a worn shoe. [2/7 definitions]
tap dance a dance in which the performer, wearing shoes with special hard soles, uses the foot, heel, or toe to tap out a rhythm.
tube sock a tube-shaped elasticized sock lacking a shaped heel.