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abutment an architectural component that supports an arch, vault, or the like, as of a bridge. [1/2 definitions]
accessory a nonessential component used for beauty, added pleasure, or convenience. [1/4 definitions]
arachidonic acid an unsaturated fatty acid that is an important component of the cell membrane and is considered an essential nutrient in the diet of most mammals, including humans.
atom an invisible component of any element, consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons, once considered the smallest possible unit of matter. [1/2 definitions]
auriferous having gold as a component; gold-bearing.
basis the principal component. [1/3 definitions]
carbon-based of or pertaining to something that contains organic molecules as a key component.
cartilage a tough, white, elastic connective tissue forming a major component of the skeletons of fetuses and young vertebrates, and turning largely to bone as the organism matures. [1/2 definitions]
Castor a white triple star, each component of which is a double star, in the constellation Gemini, having a combined magnitude of 2.5.
chitin a substance that is the principle component of the shells of crustaceans and the exoskeletons of arthropods.
chromatography a method of separating a mixture by passing it through a medium in which the component parts move at different rates.
component acting as a component; belonging to; composing. [1/2 definitions]
constituent serving as a component or part of something. [2/4 definitions]
construct to put together by assembling component parts; build. [1/2 definitions]
crash1 in computing, to fail suddenly and completely, as a software program, operating system, or component of computer hardware. [1/16 definitions]
cytosine the pyrimidine base of the nucleotide cytidine, an essential component of the genetic material DNA and RNA.
decompose to break down (a substance) into simpler compounds or component elements. [1/3 definitions]
decompose a number in mathematics education, to separate a number into its component place values. For example, to decompose the number 231 you would write "200+30+1".
disintegrate to come apart; break down into component parts or fragments. [2/3 definitions]
ego in psychoanalytic theory, the personality component that mediates between the unconscious drives and external reality. [1/5 definitions]
electromagnetic wave a wave that contains a magnetic and electric component and that is created by an accelerating electric charge, such as a radio wave, x-ray, or light.