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AL abbreviation of "Alabama," a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi.
Alabama a southeastern U.S. state located between Georgia and Mississippi. (abbr.: AL)
amylase any of a class of enzymes, found in saliva and many tissues of plants and animals, that break down starch to sugars.
Belize a country on the Caribbean, bordered by Guatemala and Mexico. [1/2 definitions]
cyclizine an antihistamine used to combat nausea and motion sickness.
Eswatini a country in southeastern Africa between South Africa and Mozambique, formerly known as Swaziland.
glass a hard, breakable, usu. transparent material made from silica and metallic oxides and used for windows, bottles, mirrors, and the like. [1/5 definitions]
horned toad any of several insect-eating lizards of western North America and Mexico, having spiny scales covering the body and hornlike spines on the head.
Malawi a country in southeastern Africa between Zambia and Mozambique.
Malay the Austronesian language of the Malay Peninsula and much of the East Indies. [1/3 definitions]
ND abbreviation of "North Dakota," a north central U.S. state on the Canadian border between Minnesota and Montana.
North Dakota a north central U.S. state on the Canadian border between Minnesota and Montana. (abbr.: ND)
pipistrelle any of a genus of small bats, found in North America and most of the Eastern Hemisphere, that fly before nightfall.
pismo clam an edible, heavy-shelled marine clam found on sandy beaches along the coasts of southern California and Mexico.
plaque a film of bacteria and mucus that commonly forms on teeth. [1/3 definitions]
rubber plant a tropical plant that grows as a tree in India and Malaysia and is widely cultivated as a houseplant, with shiny, large, leathery leaves. [1/2 definitions]
Saskatchewan a south central Canadian province on the U.S. border between Alberta and Manitoba.
Swaziland a country in southeastern Africa between South Africa and Mozambique, now officially Eswatini.
Tanzania an East African country on the Indian Ocean between Kenya and Mozambique.
United States a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States of America" (usu. prec. by, "the").
United States of America a North American country extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific between Canada and Mexico and including Alaska and Hawaii, also known as "United States" (usu. prec. by, "the").