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amputate to cut off all or part of (a leg, arm, finger, or toe), esp. surgically.
bunion a swollen and inflamed area on the foot, esp. on the large toe.
corn2 a small area of hard, calloused skin on the toe or foot.
dactyl a finger or toe. [1/2 definitions]
digit a finger or toe. [1/2 definitions]
felon2 a serious infection of the finger or toe, usu. near the nail.
half sole a sole for a shoe or boot that extends from the instep to the toe.
hammertoe a deformity of the toe in which the second and third joints are permanently bent downward, or a toe so deformed.
kittiwake either of two gulls of northern regions, which have a rudimentary hind toe.
nail a horny, natural growth that partially covers the end of a finger or toe; fingernail or toenail. [1/7 definitions]
open-toed of shoes, having an opening or being open at the toe.
stub to strike something accidentally with the end of (the toe or foot). [1/6 definitions]
tap1 a metal cleat fastened to the toe or heel of a shoe to protect against wear, or to enable a tap dancer to make sharp clicking noises. [1/7 definitions]
tap dance a dance in which the performer, wearing shoes with special hard soles, uses the foot, heel, or toe to tap out a rhythm.
tiptoe the end or tip of a toe. [1/6 definitions]
toe something that resembles a toe in shape or location. [1/7 definitions]
toed having a toe or toes, usu. of a specified kind or number. [1/2 definitions]
toe dance a dance executed in large part on the tips of the toes or in toe shoes, as in ballet.
toeless combined form of toe.
toenail the nail on a toe, esp. a human toe. [1/3 definitions]
tootsie (informal) toe. [1/2 definitions]