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Alsatian one of a breed of large dogs having a thick brownish or black coat, often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for the blind; German shepherd.
Anne Sullivan a U.S. educator who pioneered techniques for teaching the blind, deaf-blind, and visually impaired through her work with Helen Keller (b.1866--d.1936).
Ate in Greek mythology, a personification of humans' wicked folly or blind ambition, that is punished by Nemesis.
blinding the act of causing to be blind. [1/3 definitions]
blindly in a blind or unseeing manner. [1/2 definitions]
Braille (often l.c.) a writing and printing system for blind persons, in which raised dots are grouped into different patterns to represent characters, which are read by touch. [1/2 definitions]
eyeless unable to see; blind. [1/2 definitions]
German shepherd one of a breed of large dogs having a thick brownish or black coat, often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for the blind; Alsatian.
gravel-blind almost, but not completely, blind. (Cf. sand-blind, stone-blind.)
grope to feel about or feel one's way with the hands, as if blind. [1/4 definitions]
guide dog a specially trained dog used by a blind person as an aid and companion; seeing-eye dog.
Helen Keller deaf-blind pupil of Anne Sullivan who became a celebrated U.S. author, lecturer, and social activist (b.1880--d.1968).
jalousie a shutter, blind, or window with overlapping horizontal slats that can be tilted to admit more or less light or air.
point system a system of writing or printing for the blind, such as Braille, that uses an alphabet of raised dots or symbols. [1/4 definitions]
purblind suffering from very poor eyesight; nearly blind. [1/2 definitions]
sand-blind somewhat blind; having weak eyesight. (See gravel-blind, stone-blind.)
Seeing Eye dog trademark for a dog trained by Seeing Eye, Inc., to guide blind people in walking about.
sightless incapable of seeing; blind.
stone-blind thoroughly and completely blind. (Cf. sand-blind, gravel-blind.)
straw man a person used as a cover for the questionable activities of another; front; blind. [1/4 definitions]
talking book a recording of a book or magazine read aloud, esp. for use by the blind.