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case1 a matter or circumstance requiring investigation by authorities such as the police. [1/9 definitions]
Church Fathers the ecclesiastical authorities of the early Christian church, whose writings had an authoritative influence on the formation of Christian doctrine.
dissidence disagreement, esp. with beliefs or policies established by authorities; dissent.
martial law a usu. temporary rule of law imposed over a civilian population by military authorities, esp. in a wartime combat zone or during the collapse of civil authority.
officialdom officials or authorities collectively. [1/2 definitions]
omertà (Italian) a code of silence that prevents adherents from giving to authorities information concerning activities of a criminal organization.
ramapithecine of or relating to an extinct group of hominoids of Asia, Africa, and Europe, considered by some authorities to be ancestors of humans. [1/2 definitions]
tax duplicate a document given to tax authorities that certifies the value of real-estate holdings.
whistle-blower a person who informs authorities about someone else's wrongdoing, as in a government agency.