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Babe Ruth U.S. professional baseball player, celebrated for his ability to hit home runs and for generating public interest in the sport of baseball; born George Herman Ruth (b.1895--d.1948).
balk in baseball, to commit a balk. [2/7 definitions]
ball1 a game played with a ball, esp. baseball. [1/4 definitions]
ball boy a boy or young man who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in football and basketball.
ball girl a girl or young woman who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in field hockey or volleyball.
ballpark an enclosed piece of land, with or without a roof, having stands for spectators and a playing field for ball games, esp. baseball. [1/2 definitions]
ballplayer one who plays any of several games that use a ball, esp. baseball.
base1 in baseball, one of the four corners of the infield, or the bag marking any of these points. [1/7 definitions]
base hit in baseball, a hit that allows the batter to get on base safely, without an error or force-out being made.
base line in baseball, the area within which a runner must stay while running from base to base. [1/3 definitions]
baseman in baseball, a player covering first, second, or third base.
base on balls in baseball, an advance to first base taken by a batter to whom four balls have been pitched. (See walk.)
base runner in baseball, any member of the team at bat who is safely on base or is running toward a base.
bat1 a heavy, shaped wooden or metal club used to strike the ball in baseball or cricket. [2/4 definitions]
batboy a boy who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant.
batgirl a girl who retrieves baseball bats discarded by hitters and acts as a team's general assistant.
batter3 the person who stands in to bat the ball in baseball or cricket.
batting the action of using a bat in a game of baseball or cricket. [1/2 definitions]
batting average a measure of a baseball player's batting ability computed by dividing the total number of base hits by the number of official times at bat. [1/2 definitions]
bean (informal) to strike on the head with an airborne object, esp. a baseball. [1/5 definitions]
big-league of, concerning, or suitable for a top professional sports league, esp. one of the baseball major leagues. [1/2 definitions]