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abnormal psychology the branch of psychology that is concerned with patterns of behavior, thought, and feeling that deviate greatly from average patterns.
Anglomania a greatly exaggerated attachment to or imitation of English manners, habits, institutions, and the like.
balletomane one who greatly admires ballet.
bargain basement a basement floor in a department store where items are sold at greatly reduced prices.
caldera a large volcanic crater, esp. one whose diameter greatly exceeds that of the vent within it.
dandy a man who is greatly concerned about the smartness of his clothing and appearance. [1/4 definitions]
dazzle to confound or greatly impress by brilliance, superior quality or performance, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
desperately greatly and seriously. [1/2 definitions]
devastate to upset greatly; have an overwhelming effect on. [1/2 definitions]
drawl to pronounce or speak slowly, esp. with vowel sounds greatly lengthened. [1/2 definitions]
dread that which is greatly feared. [1/7 definitions]
everything that which is greatly important. [1/3 definitions]
exasperate to annoy or irritate greatly; cause to lose patience. [1/2 definitions]
exasperated greatly annoyed after losing patience with someone or something.
exhilarate to invigorate or stimulate greatly. [2 definitions]
exult to rejoice greatly, esp. over some triumph.
exultation the act or feeling of rejoicing greatly, as over some triumph.
get off of a lawyer, to defend (a client) so that the client is not convicted or receives only a greatly reduced sentence. [1/9 definitions]
give one's eyeteeth to give one's most valued possession, as for something that one greatly desires.
have one's heart set on to strongly desire and look forward to (something), and in such as way as to be greatly disappointed if the desire is not fulfilled.
make one's blood curdle to frighten greatly; terrify. (See bloodcurdling.)