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aliquot in math, forming a whole number divisor of another number without a remainder. [1/3 definitions]
arithmetic the simplest form of mathematics consisting of the theory and computation of whole numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, evolution, and involution. [1/3 definitions]
even number a whole number that can be divided exactly by 2.
factorial the product of a given series of whole numbers, achieved by multiplying a specific positive integer by all lesser positive integers.
integer a positive or negative whole number or zero; a whole number as opposed to a fraction.
irrational in mathematics, not capable of being expressed as a whole number or as a ratio of two whole numbers. [1/3 definitions]
least common multiple the smallest number into which each of two or more whole numbers is exactly divisible.
odd number a whole number that cannot be divided exactly by 2.
one-digit number a whole number containing one digit, such as 2.
round to express as a round or whole number (sometimes fol. by "off"). [1/24 definitions]
round down to reduce a number to its nearest whole number, or to reduce a number to the nearest lower number that ends in zero.
round up to raise to the nearest number that ends in zero or to the nearest whole number [1/2 definitions]
simple fraction a fraction having whole numbers for both numerator and denominator.
three-digit number a whole number containing three digits, such as 365.
two-digit number a whole number containing two digits, such as 22.
unit the smallest positive whole number; one. [1/4 definitions]