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Dictionary Suite
beaten used by many people; much traveled. [1/4 definitions]
beeline the most direct course, usu. traveled quickly.
carry distance or potential range traveled by an object or sound. [1/16 definitions]
community spread the spread of an infectious disease within a community, especially the spread within a community where there are infected individuals who cannot trace the source of their infection and have not traveled to areas where there are known cases of the disease.
hour the distance that can be traveled in one hour. [1/5 definitions]
knight-errant a medieval knight who traveled widely in search of adventures, esp. in order to right wrongs or prove his skill.
log1 an official daily record of a trip by a ship or plane, noting speed, distance traveled, and any relevant events. [1/7 definitions]
mileage the number of miles traveled in a particular time period. [1/4 definitions]
minstrel a medieval musician who traveled from place to place, singing songs and reciting verses. [1/3 definitions]
odometer an instrument that measures the distance traveled by a vehicle, such as is found on the dashboard of an automobile.
Spanish Main the Caribbean Sea, or the part traveled by Spanish merchant ships in colonial times. [1/2 definitions]
swing the amount of space traveled while swinging. [1/25 definitions]
taxicab an automobile or other common form of transportation that carries passengers for a fee that is usu. determined according to the distance traveled.
traveled having traveled a great deal. [1/2 definitions]
traveler one who travels or has traveled extensively, esp. to other countries. [1/2 definitions]
troubadour one of many poets of southern France and northern Italy in the eleventh to thirteenth centuries, who traveled about and composed songs, mostly about courtly love. [1/2 definitions]
untraveled combined form of traveled.
well-traveled having traveled to and experienced many different places in the world.