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Dictionary Suite
boiler a tank used for heating and storing a supply of hot water. [1/3 definitions]
cambric tea a drink of hot water, milk, sugar, and a little tea, usu. given to children.
geyser a spring that erupts periodically, spewing up a stream of hot water, steam, or mud.
hot tub a large round tub, usu. of wood and often outdoors, used recreationally, as by several persons soaking together in hot water.
mash a mixture of grain, meal, or the like in hot water, to be fed to farm animals. [1/5 definitions]
negus a beverage made of wine, hot water, lemon juice, nutmeg, and sugar.
percolate to brew (coffee) by filtering hot water through ground coffee. [1/6 definitions]
steam table a table or counter for keeping food hot, that is fitted with a variety of containers for food and heated from underneath by hot water or steam.
tea a beverage that is made by steeping dried tea leaves or herbs in hot water, served hot or cold. [1/6 definitions]
warming pan a long-handled pan, usu. of brass, made to be filled with coals or hot water, covered, and passed between the sheets of a bed to warm them.