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backlist a publisher's list of all in-house books that have been kept in print for a relatively long period of time. [1/2 definitions]
black and white print or writing considered as documentary evidence or binding proof. [1/2 definitions]
blackface boldface print. [1/2 definitions]
blueprint a photographic print of architectural or mechanical drawings, usu. done with white lines on a blue background. [1/3 definitions]
Braille (often l.c.) to write or print using Braille characters. [1/2 definitions]
cap2 (usu. pl.) upper case print or writing. [2/3 definitions]
capitalize to write or print (something) using capital letters or using a capital letter as the initial letter. [1/4 definitions]
challis a soft, light, plain-woven fabric in a solid color or small print.
classified of or relating to newspaper advertisements that are grouped together and in small print. [1/3 definitions]
consonance in prosody, the repetition of the same consonant sound, esp. at the ends of words, as in "print" and "bat". [1/3 definitions]
copperplate the print or impression made from such a plate. [1/3 definitions]
corrigendum an error, esp. in print, indicated along with its correction. [1/2 definitions]
cretonne a heavy print fabric of cotton, used for covering furniture and for drapes.
cursive of writing in which individual letters within words are joined, or of print that simulates such writing. [1/3 definitions]
date1 to write or print the date on (a letter or other document). [1/11 definitions]
drypoint a print made from, or the needle used on, such an engraved plate. [1/2 definitions]
engrave to use an engraved surface to print. [1/4 definitions]
enlarge to produce (a photographic print) bigger than the negative. [1/5 definitions]
etching a print made by using an etched metal plate. [1/2 definitions]
factoid a false or half-true statement or idea, often accepted as fact because of wide circulation and frequent repetition, as in print and electronic media.
footprint an outline or indentation created by pressing the foot on a surface, such as a step in wet sand or a muddy print left by a shoe.