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crotch the place where two linear parts, such as human legs, come together.
displacement in physics, the linear or angular distance of an object or point from a central or reference point or line. [1/4 definitions]
frontage the linear extent of land next to a street, road, river, lake, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
l.1 abbreviation of "length," extent of linear distance.
length extent of linear distance. [1/6 definitions]
lengthy having great linear extent; very long. [1/2 definitions]
lineal linear. [1/3 definitions]
nonlinear combined form of linear.
open chain in chemistry, a linear series of covalent atoms not joined at the ends into a cycle, such as an aliphatic compound.
pica1 a printing type measuring about one sixth of an inch, or an equivalent linear measurement used to determine the dimensions of printed lines, illustrations, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
piece goods goods, esp. fabrics, made in a standard width and sold by linear measure; yard goods.
pitman a type of connecting rod, used esp. in steering systems, that transforms motion around an axis into linear motion. [1/2 definitions]
running linear. [1/7 definitions]
shade darkness in a drawing, painting, or the like, used for contrast and created by linear markings or use of dark color. [1/16 definitions]