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cartoon a preliminary design, usu. full-scale, to be transferred to a wall or wall hanging for a fresco or tapestry. [1/5 definitions]
curtain raiser any brief preliminary event. [1/2 definitions]
direct primary election a preliminary election in which candidates for public office are nominated by direct vote of the people. (Cf. closed primary election.)
draft a preliminary sketch of a piece of writing; rough draft. [3/18 definitions]
estimate a preliminary calculation, as by a building contractor, of the cost of proposed work. [1/6 definitions]
foreword a preliminary statement or introduction to a written text, such as a book; preface.
interim referring to an intervening time interval; temporary or preliminary. [1/2 definitions]
political primary in U.S. politics, a preliminary election in which members of each party vote for candidates to represent the party in the general election.
precursory preliminary; introductory. [1/2 definitions]
preface to serve as a preliminary or introduction to. [1/5 definitions]
prefatory of, relating to, or serving as an introduction or preface; preliminary.
prelim (informal) a short academic test that comes before, and often prepares one for, a longer, more significant test; preliminary examination. [1/2 definitions]
preliminary a preliminary examination, contest, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
prelude an introductory event or act; preface; preliminary. [1/6 definitions]
premise (pl.) the preliminary statement of facts or grounds for a legal proceeding. [1/5 definitions]
pretest a preliminary test or trial of a product, questionnaire, or the like. [3/4 definitions]
primary in U.S. politics, a preliminary election in which members of each party vote for candidates to represent the party in the general election. [1/7 definitions]
prolusion a preliminary essay written as an introductory piece for a more detailed work, or any similarly introductory work or performance.
propaedeutic instruction designed as a preliminary to more advanced study. [1/2 definitions]
protocol an original or preliminary draft, copy, or record of an agreement, esp. a treaty. [1/5 definitions]
PSAT abbreviation of "Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test."