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adder2 a small poisonous snake found in Europe and Asia; viper. [1/2 definitions]
Aeolis an ancient Greek colony on the northwest coast of Asia Minor.
Afro-Eurasia the land mass of Earth that includes all of Africa, Europe, and Asia.
ailanthus a deciduous tree, originating in Asia, with fernlike leaves and clusters of greenish flowers with an offensive odor.
antelope any of several ruminant mammals of Africa or Asia, having long legs and long, hollow horns. [1/3 definitions]
Arabian Peninsula a peninsula in western Asia that lies between the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the northeast. The Indian Ocean borders the Arabian Peninsula on the southeast. Countries located on the peninsula include Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait.
Aral Sea formerly, a very large, single lake in Central Asia. Once one of the world's largest lakes, the Aral Sea has vastly diminished in volume of water and has divided into separate parts as a result of the diversion, for agricultural purposes, of the rivers that fed the lake. The southeastern part of the Aral Sea has become entirely dry.
Aramaic the Semitic language of ancient Syria, Palestine, and Southwest Asia. [1/3 definitions]
areca any of several tall palm trees of tropical Asia, such as the betel palm, having a smooth, slender trunk and feathery leaves and bearing red or orange nuts. [1/2 definitions]
argali a wild sheep of central and northern Asia that has large spiraling horns.
Armenia a region of southwestern Asia composed of present-day Armenia, eastern Turkey, and northwestern Iran. [1/2 definitions]
Asian of or having to do with Asia, or its people or languages. [2 definitions]
Asian flu a virulent strain of the influenza virus that probably spread from Asia; Asian influenza.
Asiatic of or pertaining to Asia or its peoples; Asian.
Asiatic Barred Zone a region including most of Asia from which immigration to the United States was banned as part of the Immigration Act of 1917.
asp any of several small, poisonous snakes found in Africa and Asia Minor, such as the cobra or horned viper.
Assyria an ancient empire in Southwest Asia between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean, with an extension into Egypt.
aurochs an extinct wild ox once common in northern Africa, Europe, and western Asia, and probably an ancestor of domestic cattle. [1/2 definitions]
Austroasiatic a language family of Southeast Asia that includes Vietnamese and Khmer.
Babylon an ancient city of southwestern Asia, on the Euphrates River. [1/2 definitions]
Babylonia an ancient empire of about 2800-700 B.C. in southwestern Asia at the head of the Persian Gulf.