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Dictionary Suite
bag any of various types of hand luggage, such as a purse, satchel, or suitcase. [1/10 definitions]
handbag a bag or similar receptacle, used usu. by women to carry small personal articles and necessities; purse. [1/2 definitions]
pick1 to steal from (someone's pocket or purse). [1/14 definitions]
portemonnaie money-carrier (French); a small pocketbook or purse.
reticule a woman's small handbag or purse with a drawstring, originally made of netting. [1/2 definitions]
shoulder strap a strap that is worn on the shoulder, as to support a garment or carry a purse or camera. [1/2 definitions]
sporran a leather purse or pouch, often covered with fur, that is worn hanging in front of the kilt as part of the dress costume of Scottish Highlanders.
stake2 (often pl.) that which is given to the winner of a competition; purse. [1/6 definitions]