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algebraic fraction a fraction that has at least one algebraic variable or expression in the numerator or denominator, such as 1/x.
analytic geometry a branch of geometry that uses algebraic equations to determine distance or the like by using variables defined by coordinates; Cartesian geometry.
calculus in mathematics, a system of calculation, as of rates of change, lengths, or volumes, involving algebraic notations. [1/2 definitions]
coefficient the constant part of an algebraic term involving multiplication. [1/2 definitions]
diagram a drawn representation of a geometric or algebraic relationship. [1/4 definitions]
fraction a number expressed as one number or algebraic quantity divided by another. [1/4 definitions]
monomial having only one algebraic term. [2/3 definitions]
polynomial something with two or more names or terms, such as an algebraic expression or biological classification. [1/2 definitions]
transpose to move (an algebraic term) from one side of an equation to another, thus reversing its sign. [1/4 definitions]
trinomial an algebraic expression consisting of three terms that are connected by plus or minus signs. [1/4 definitions]