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antipope a person who declares himself pope in opposition to the pope elected by church laws.
apostolate the office, duties, mission, or term of activity of an apostle, or, esp., of the pope as head of the Apostolic See in the Roman Catholic Church.
apostolic having to do with the pope; papal. [1/2 definitions]
basilica a Roman Catholic church bestowed by the Pope with certain ceremonial rights. [1/2 definitions]
cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, an official appointed by the pope and second in rank to him. [1/4 definitions]
College of Cardinals the organized body of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church that elects the Pope and helps him govern the church.
conclave the private meeting of the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church for the purpose of electing the pope. [1/3 definitions]
concordat a formal agreement or contract, as between the pope and a government, concerning the regulation of church affairs.
crusade any military action in the European Middle Ages that the pope declared to be a holy war. [1/4 definitions]
encyclical in the Roman Catholic Church, a letter from the Pope to the bishops stating a rule or papal opinion on a specific subject. [1/2 definitions]
ex cathedra (Latin) from the chair; with the authority of one's office or rank (used esp. of statements from the pope regarding faith and morals).
Guelph a member of a medieval Italian political faction that supported the pope against the German emperors. (Cf. Ghibelline.)
holiness (cap.) used as a title for the pope. [1/2 definitions]
Holy See the office or jurisdiction of the pope; Apostolic See.
infallible of the pope, incapable of fallacy or error in expounding Roman Catholic doctrine on faith or morals. [1/3 definitions]
pallium a white, woolen band worn across the shoulders by the pope, and sometimes by archbishops and bishops. [1/3 definitions]
papacy the office or authority of the pope. [2/3 definitions]
papal of, concerning, or issued by the pope, the Roman Catholic Church, or its government.
Peter one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ and a leader in the establishment of the Christian church, often considered the first pope. [1/2 definitions]
pontiff the Pope. [1/3 definitions]
rescript an official answer from a Roman emperor or the pope in regard to a question of doctrine or law. [1/3 definitions]