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abroad in wide circulation. [1/4 definitions]
aerate to expose to the circulation or chemical action of air in order to ventilate or cleanse. [1/3 definitions]
afloat in circulation. [1/6 definitions]
circulatory of or pertaining to circulation. [1/2 definitions]
cirrhosis a chronic, often fatal, disease of the liver in which excessive tissue is formed resulting in blockage of circulation.
currency any money in circulation as a valid means of trade or exchange. [1/2 definitions]
dinar any of several silver or gold coins formerly in circulation in the Middle East, esp. in Islamic nations. [1/8 definitions]
distribution number of copies sold or given out, as of newspapers; circulation. [1/6 definitions]
doubloon a gold coin formerly in circulation in Spain and Spanish America.
encyclical intended for wide or general circulation, as a letter. [1/2 definitions]
escudo any of various coins formerly in circulation in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America. [1/3 definitions]
factoid a false or half-true statement or idea, often accepted as fact because of wide circulation and frequent repetition, as in print and electronic media.
florin any of several gold or silver coins formerly in circulation in Europe and South Africa. [1/3 definitions]
gangrene death or rotting of a part of a living organism caused by faulty circulation, disease, or injury. [1/2 definitions]
hemostasis the slowing or stoppage of blood circulation, as by applying a tourniquet. [1/2 definitions]
hydrologic pertaining to the circulation, distribution, or quality of the waters of the earth, or to the field of hydrology.
hydrology the scientific study of the distribution, circulation, and quality of the waters of the earth.
hypostasis in medicine, the settling or concentration of blood or particles of blood, as in a test tube, or in a bodily organ because of poor circulation. [1/4 definitions]
massage a treatment of the body that involves rubbing, kneading, and stroking to improve circulation, ease stiffness, or provide relaxation. [1/2 definitions]
medulla oblongata the lowermost part of the brain, which controls basic body functions such as breathing and blood circulation.
peso a silver coin formerly in circulation in Spain and Spanish America, worth eight reals; piece of eight. [1/3 definitions]