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Dictionary Suite
album a collection of printed pictures, or a collection of musical or literary selections that are printed or recorded. [1/3 definitions]
Attic the dialect of classical Attica and Athens, and the literary language of that time. [1/4 definitions]
aureate splendid, brilliant, or ornate, sometimes affectedly, as an overly artificial literary style. [1/2 definitions]
Beat Generation (sometimes l.c.) used to characterize some members of the generation that reached maturity in the late 1950s, esp. in the United States, who were alienated from conventional society and who promoted experimentation in artistic and literary forms.
bluestocking a learned woman, esp. an intellectual and literary one.
book a literary work such as a novel or volume of poetry. [1/13 definitions]
bookish literary or pedantic in tone or style. [1/3 definitions]
cacophony in literary or musical composition, a discordant or unharmonious combination of sounds used for special effect. [1/2 definitions]
Caledonia a literary name for Scotland.
classic (pl.) the academic study of the literary works of ancient Greece and Rome along with the study of the ancient Greek and Latin languages. [2/10 definitions]
climax in a literary or dramatic work, the point at which a conflict reaches a crucial juncture. [1/4 definitions]
clime in literary use, a region of the earth, or the typical weather conditions thereof.
counterplot a minor plot, as in a literary work or play. [1/4 definitions]
critic a person whose work is to write evaluations of literary, artistic, or other cultural works. [1/3 definitions]
criticism the art of making skilled and detailed observations on literary, artistic, or scholarly works. [1/4 definitions]
cycle a series of literary or musical works on a central theme. [1/7 definitions]
dada (sometimes cap.) a primarily European literary and artistic period of the early twentieth century characterized by cynicism, anarchy, and a rejection of convention.
deconstruction a literary criticism philosophy, introduced in the 1960s, asserting that because words are defined using other words, the meaning of text has no stable reference and therefore cannot have a fixed meaning. [1/2 definitions]
dialogue a literary work in the form of a discussion between persons. [1/5 definitions]
digest a collection of literary works, scientific abstracts, news items, or the like, esp. in an abridged form. [1/8 definitions]
dystopia a literary form in which a dystopia is described. [1/2 definitions]