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casque in zoology, a formation or protuberance resembling a helmet. [1/2 definitions]
chelate in zoology, of or having pincerlike claws. [1/7 definitions]
cryptic in zoology, suited to hiding or concealing. [1/3 definitions]
cryptozoic in zoology, living in well-concealed places; secluded; hidden. [1/3 definitions]
malacology the branch of zoology concerned with mollusks.
mammalogy the branch of zoology concerned with mammals.
monoecious in zoology, having both male and female reproductive organs in one individual; hermaphroditic. [1/2 definitions]
natural history the study of botany, zoology, geology, and other sciences that deal with objects in nature or the physical world.
naturalist a person who has expertise in or is devoted to the study of the natural sciences, esp. botany and zoology. [1/2 definitions]
ophiology the branch of zoology that deals with snakes.
pedicel in zoology, any small stalklike structure or support. [1/2 definitions]
polyandry in zoology, the mating of a female with more than one male, esp. the bearing of progeny fertilized by more than one male. [1/3 definitions]
prenuptial in zoology, before copulation or mating. [1/2 definitions]
primatology the branch of zoology that deals with the primates, esp. apes and early human forms.
spiracle in zoology, an aperture for breathing, such as a whale's blowhole, the opening behind the eye of sharks, rays, and skates, or the tracheal openings on the sides of the bodies of certain insects and spiders. [1/3 definitions]
tautonym in zoology, a scientific name in which the genus name and the species name are the same.
virgin birth in zoology, birth from a female who has not copulated; parthenogenesis. [1/2 definitions]
zoography the branch of zoology involved with the biological description of animals.
zoological of or concerning zoology. [1/2 definitions]
zoologist one who specialized in or studies zoology.