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abolition (cap.) the end of slavery in the United States. [1/2 definitions]
abolitionism advocacy of or legal movement toward abolition, esp. of slavery in the United States.
Abraham Lincoln the 16th President of the United States (1861-1865), who was Commander-in-Chief of the Union troops during the American Civil War and who signed the Emancipation Proclamation, thus bringing an end to slavery in the United States (b.1809--d.1865).
antislavery against, contrary to, or opposed to slavery.
bondage a state of servitude or slavery to another. [1/2 definitions]
civil war (cap.)The U.S. war (1861-1865) between the Northern states (Union) and the Southern states (Confederacy), which had seceded from the Union because of conflict over states' rights and the practice of slavery. [1/2 definitions]
enfranchise to free, as from slavery. [1/2 definitions]
enslaved deprived of liberty and considered the property of another; being in a state of slavery.
freeborn born free rather than in slavery or captivity. [1/2 definitions]
freedman one who has been released from slavery.
Free-Soil of or pertaining to the Free-Soil party of the nineteenth century which opposed the extension of slavery into the territories acquired by the United States.
Harriet Tubman American abolitionist who escaped slavery yet returned to the South to rescue others, making use of the Underground Railroad. During the Civil War, Tubman acted as a scout and spy for the Union Army. After the war, she became an activist for the rights of women. (b. 1822?--d. 1913).
holler a work song formerly sung by black American farm hands, esp. during the period of slavery. [1/5 definitions]
Jayhawker (l.c.) an anti-slavery guerrilla in Kansas or Missouri during the U.S. Civil War. [1/2 definitions]
Joseph according to the Old Testament, the favorite son of Jacob who was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, only to become the interpreter of dreams and chief administrator for the pharaoh of Egypt. [1/2 definitions]
Juneteenth the anniversary and celebration of the day, June 19, 1865, on which the abolition of slavery in the Confederate states was announced in Texas by Union Army forces. Before this date, slaves in Texas, part of the Confederacy, had no way of knowing that they had been freed on January 1, 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation; thus, June 19th, now a Federal holiday, is celebrated each year in commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States. Technically, all slaves became free in the United States upon the adoption of the 13th Amendment at the end of 1865. The amendment abolished slavery everywhere, including in those slave-owning states that had not joined the Confederacy.
manumission a freeing from slavery, servitude, or bondage; emancipation.
Moses according to the Old Testament, the Hebrew patriarch who received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai, and who led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt.
Republican Party one of the two major political parties in the United States, organized in 1854 in opposition to slavery. [1/2 definitions]
servitude bondage or slavery. [1/2 definitions]
thrall slavery or bondage. [1/2 definitions]