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face-off in ice hockey, the initiation of play in which the referee drops the puck between two opposing team members who then contend for control of it. [1/2 definitions]
jump ball in basketball, a method of putting the ball in play in which the referee tosses the ball straight up between two opposing players, who leap and try to tap the ball to a teammate.
linesman in sports such as tennis and football, an official who assists the referee, as by observing particular violations. [1/2 definitions]
officiate to serve as an umpire or referee at a game or sporting event. [1/3 definitions]
ref (informal) a referee. [2 definitions]
ref.2 abbreviation of "referee."
referee to function as a referee in (a contest, dispute, or the like). [2/4 definitions]
technical knockout in boxing, a victory won as a result of the opponent being so badly hurt that the referee declares the match over; TKO. (Cf. knockout.)
TKO abbreviation of "technical knockout," in boxing, a victory won as a result of the opponent being so badly hurt that the referee declares the match over.
umpire one appointed to rule on plays in a game, esp. a professional performing that function in a baseball game; referee. [1/4 definitions]