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chicle a gummy substance derived from a tropical American tree and used to make chewing gum.
dextrin a gummy substance made from starch and used as a thickener or glue.
gum1 to become clogged or sticky with or as if with a gummy preparation. [1/10 definitions]
mastic any of various gummy or pastelike adhesives. [1/3 definitions]
mucilage any of various gelatinous or gummy substances present in plants such as seaweed. [1/2 definitions]
okra a green, ribbed, cylindrical vegetable that becomes gummy when cooked and is often used in soups and gumbos. [1/2 definitions]
tacky1 gummy or sticky, as partially dried glue or varnish.
tragacanth any of various low-growing, thorny Asian shrubs that produce a gummy substance which is used commercially. [1/2 definitions]