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ace-high in poker, with an ace as the highest card, as in a straight or flush.
ante in poker, an amount of money that a player must put into play before seeing his or her cards. [3 definitions]
blue chip in poker, a blue playing chip having the highest value. [1/3 definitions]
bluff2 in poker, to attempt to lead opponents into believing that one's hand is stronger than it really is by betting heavily on it, or that one's hand is weaker than it really is by betting very little on it. [2/6 definitions]
buck4 an object such as a buckhorn knife that was formerly placed before a player in a poker game to indicate the responsibility to deal.
card1 one of a pack of small pieces of thick paper printed with designs and numbers and used for playing various games such as bridge, poker, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
chip1 one of the small, plastic or ivory tokens used to represent money in poker and other gambling games. [1/10 definitions]
draw poker a version of poker in which players may discard and draw replacements for a specified maximum number of cards in their original hands after initial bets are made.
four flush in stud poker, a hand containing four visible cards of one suit.
four-flush in stud poker, to bluff that one has a true flush of five cards on the basis of holding four visible cards of the same suit. [1/2 definitions]
full house in poker, a hand that contains three of a kind and a pair, such as three aces and two sixes.
jackpot stakes that accumulate until they are won, esp. in poker. [1/2 definitions]
lowball a form of draw poker in which the player holding the lowest-scoring hand wins. [1/3 definitions]
pat2 of a hand in poker, perfectly satisfactory; requiring no different cards. [1/4 definitions]
penny ante a poker game in which the bet is limited to a penny or other small amount. [1/2 definitions]
poke to use a poker to stir up (a fire). [1/12 definitions]
pool2 the total amount of money bet by all players in a game of chance such as poker. [1/7 definitions]
raise to increase the amount of a bet during a hand in poker. [1/15 definitions]
royal flush a poker hand composed of the five highest cards of a single suit.
straight flush a poker hand of five cards of the same suit in sequence, ranking above all other hands.
stud2 see "stud poker." [1/5 definitions]