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Dictionary Suite
bibulous very absorbent; spongy. [1/2 definitions]
foam rubber a firm, lightweight spongy rubber, used esp. in upholstered seats and for mattresses.
marshmallow a spongy confection made of corn syrup, sugar, egg whites, and gelatin. [1/2 definitions]
morel any of a variety of mostly edible mushrooms characterized by a rounded, spongy or deeply ribbed head and a hollow stem.
parenchyma spongy tissue that is found around the organs of some invertebrates. [1/3 definitions]
pudding a soft creamy or spongy dessert, usu. made by boiling or baking a mixture of milk, flour, eggs, and sugar, and adding fruit or other flavoring. [1/5 definitions]
soufflé a light, spongy baked dish made with beaten egg whites combined with white sauce, egg yolks, and various other ingredients such as cheese or spinach. [1/2 definitions]
sponge cake a light spongy cake made with eggs, flour, sugar, and other ingredients, but no shortening.
swampy of or like a swamp; marshy; spongy. [1/2 definitions]
tonsil either of two masses of spongy tissue that are situated on either side of the throat near the back of the tongue, and that have a disputed function.