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bidet a low, basin-shaped fixture, found esp. in France, used for washing the genital and anal areas.
gonorrhea a contagious venereal disease, involving inflammation of the genital organs and urinary tract, transmitted mainly by sexual intercourse.
herpes simplex either of two viral infections resulting in the appearance of blisters on skin and mucous membranes of the face or the genital area.
masturbation the excitation of one's own or another's genital organs to cause orgasm, esp. by manual stimulation.
monotreme any of the lowest order of mammals, such as the platypus and spiny anteater, that lay eggs and have a common opening for the digestive, urinary, and genital tracts.
nongenital combined form of genital.
penis the male genital organ used for copulation and urination.
pregenital combined form of genital.
pseudohermaphrodite a person or animal that has sex glands of one sex and external genital organs and sex characteristics resembling those of the opposite sex.
pudendum the external genital organs of a woman. [2 definitions]
sixty-nine (vulgar slang) mutual simultaneous oral-genital sex activity.
urogenital of or concerning the urinary or genital organs; genitourinary.
vagina in most female mammals, the passage leading from the uterus to the external genital opening; birth canal. [1/3 definitions]
vulva the external female genital organs of mammals.