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Dictionary Suite
air to expose to the air; place outdoors. [1/8 definitions]
alfresco in the open air; outdoors. [1/2 definitions]
barbecue a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire. [1/4 definitions]
BBQ abbreviation of "barbeque," a party, often held outdoors, at which meat and sometimes vegetables are roasted on a grill or spit over an open fire.
bedroll bedding rolled into a portable bundle, as for camping outdoors.
campcraft the knowledge, techniques, or practice of camping outdoors.
campfire a meeting held outdoors, esp. around such a fire. [1/2 definitions]
camp meeting a religious gathering, usu. held over several days, taking place either outdoors or inside a tent.
cold frame an unheated box, usu. with a glass top, used outdoors for protecting plants from the cold.
cookout a social occasion at which a meal is cooked and eaten outdoors.
cricket2 a game played outdoors with a ball, bats, and wickets at either end of the field, by two opposing teams of eleven members each. [1/3 definitions]
exterior used or suitable for use outdoors. [1/5 definitions]
field glass (usu. pl.) a compact, portable binocular telescope used esp. outdoors.
flea market a market, usu. outdoors, at which mostly secondhand goods are sold cheaply.
free-range of, pertaining to, or produced by animals that can roam freely outdoors for at least part of the day.
hot tub a large round tub, usu. of wood and often outdoors, used recreationally, as by several persons soaking together in hot water.
housebreak to train (an animal) to eliminate waste matter either outdoors or in another designated place.
muff a short, thick, open-ended tube of cloth or fur, used esp. by women to cover and warm the hands outdoors. [1/6 definitions]
muggy warm, humid, and stifling, as the weather or the atmosphere outdoors or in an enclosed space.
nature a place or places in general where living things in their natural state can be enjoyed; the outdoors. [1/9 definitions]
open any clear, extensive space, esp. the outdoors (often prec. by "the"). [1/27 definitions]