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advance a monetary payment beforehand, esp. before work is finished. [1/14 definitions]
afghani the chief monetary unit of Afghanistan, equaling one hundred puls.
agora2 the smaller monetary unit of Israel. (Cf. shekel.)
amateur one who pursues an activity or is devoted to a study purely for intrinsic reward rather than monetary gain. [2/5 definitions]
appraise to determine the monetary value of (something) according to size, quality, and other features. [1/2 definitions]
appreciate to increase in monetary value. (Cf. depreciate.) [1/4 definitions]
appreciation a rise in monetary value. [1/5 definitions]
at2 the smaller monetary unit of Laos. (Cf. kip.)
aureus an ancient Roman gold coin that was a monetary unit from the reign of Julius Caesar to that of Constantine I.
austral2 the chief monetary unit of Argentina, equaling one hundred centavos.
avo the smaller monetary unit of Macao. (Cf. pataca.)
baht the chief monetary unit of Thailand, equaling one hundred satang.
baiza the smaller monetary unit of Oman. (Cf. rial omani.)
balboa the chief monetary unit of Panama, equaling one hundred centesimos.
ban2 the smaller monetary unit of Romania. (Cf. leu.)
bimetallic pertaining to the use of gold and silver as a monetary standard. [1/2 definitions]
bimetallism the use of two metals, usu. gold and silver, at fixed values in relation to each other, as the monetary standard of currency and value. [1/2 definitions]
birr2 the chief monetary unit of Ethiopia, equaling one hundred cents.
bolivar the chief monetary unit of Venezuela, equaling one hundred centimos.
boliviano the chief monetary unit of Bolivia, equaling one thousand pesos.
bonded subject to a binding promise to pay, as monetary debt. [1/3 definitions]