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Articles of Confederation a document created in 1781 that served as a set of guidelines for governing the newly formed United States of America. The Articles of Confederation created a "firm league of friendship" among the thirteen original states and maintained the majority of power in states' hands. It was replaced by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.
baby a newly-born or very young child in the first stages of development; infant. [1/12 definitions]
benedict a newly married man, esp. one who was previously thought unlikely to marry.
book review a publication, or page or section thereof, devoted to such reviews, esp. of newly published books. [1/2 definitions]
bride1 a woman who is newly married or is about to be married.
bridegroom a man who is newly married or is about to be married.
chick a newly hatched or immature bird or fowl, esp. a chicken. [1/3 definitions]
dawn on someone to come into one's mind as something newly realized or understood.
dower a newly married woman's dowry. [1/4 definitions]
feel one's oats to be unusually energetic, or to be newly aware of one's freedom or power.
fresh newly made, gained, or experienced. [3/11 definitions]
freshly newly or recently made or done.
George Washington the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the U.S. War of Independence and the first President of the United States (1789-1797). During his presidency, Washington focused on bringing a spirit of unity to the newly formed nation, creating a new capital, and expanding U.S. territory westward (b.1732--d.1799).
granulation tissue tissue that forms in ulcers and often in healing wounds, consisting of small bumps of newly forming capillaries; proud flesh.
hatchling a young animal, such as a bird, reptile, or fish newly emerged from its egg.
Ku Klux Klan a secret society organized and active in the southern United States after the Civil War, which sought to regain white supremacy over newly freed blacks. [1/2 definitions]
larva a newly hatched, wingless insect, often in the form of a worm, before it undergoes metamorphosis into its adult form. [1/2 definitions]
neophyte a novice or newly ordained priest in the Roman Catholic Church. [1/3 definitions]
new recently; newly (usu. used in combination). [1/9 definitions]
newborn newly reborn; begun anew. [1/3 definitions]
new-found newly discovered or established.