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Abe Saperstein U.S. creator, owner, and promoter of the renowned basketball team the Harlem Globetrotters; born in London, England (b.1902--d.1966).
backboard in basketball, the board to which the basket is attached. [1/2 definitions]
backcourt in basketball, the half of the court that a team is defending. (Cf. forecourt.) [2/3 definitions]
ball boy a boy or young man who retrieves stray balls during a tennis or baseball game, or who has charge of balls used in practice, as in football and basketball.
ball handler a player, esp. in basketball, whose position requires him or her to touch and control the ball, or one who handles the ball on a particular play. [2 definitions]
ball handling the act or skill of dribbling, passing, or receiving the ball in basketball. [1/2 definitions]
basket in basketball, the open metal hoop and net through which the ball is shot to score points, or such an act of scoring. [1/3 definitions]
box score a statistical summary in table form of each player's performance in a game, esp. baseball or basketball.
breakaway in certain sports, of or designating a play in which one player moves rapidly down the playing area with the potential to score, as in a basketball fast break. [1/6 definitions]
court an enclosed or marked off area for playing certain sports such as basketball or tennis. [1/9 definitions]
double dribble in basketball, the illegal action of a player who either dribbles the ball with both hands or resumes dribbling after a complete stop.
dunk to push (a basketball) forcefully through the hoop from above. [1/4 definitions]
dunk shot in basketball, a shot made by jumping up and thrusting the ball through the hoop from above.
end line either of two lines, one at each end of a basketball court, football field, or the like, that marks the limit of the playing area.
fadeaway in basketball, designating a shot made while the shooter is moving backwards. [1/2 definitions]
fast break a play, esp. in basketball, in which a team advances quickly down the playing area to try to score before the defense is prepared.
field goal in basketball, a two-point or three-point goal made while the ball is in play. [1/2 definitions]
field house a large building, usu. located at a college or university, suitable for indoor athletic activities, esp. track events, basketball, or gymnastics. [1/2 definitions]
forecourt in basketball, the half of the court in which a team is attempting to score. (Cf. backcourt.) [1/3 definitions]
forward in sports such as soccer and basketball, a player whose position on offense is usu. closest to the opposing team's goal. [1/13 definitions]
foul line in basketball, a line fifteen feet from the backboard, from which a player may shoot unimpeded after a penalty has been imposed on the other team; free-throw line. [1/3 definitions]