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Dictionary Suite
buckle a bend, bulge, or crimp. [1/9 definitions]
dirigible an airship that can be steered or guided, such as a blimp. [1/2 definitions]
erect rigidly directed upward or outward; not limp. [1/7 definitions]
flag3 to droop or become limp. [1/2 definitions]
hobble to walk awkwardly, unsteadily, or with difficulty; limp. [2/6 definitions]
prawn any of a variety of edible crustaceans that resemble and are related to shrimp. [1/2 definitions]
preen to dress or groom (oneself) with great attention and self-admiration; primp. [2/5 definitions]
prink to dress or groom oneself with care, as by observing the effect of various adornments or arrangements in a mirror; primp. [1/2 definitions]
scrape to save even the smallest amounts; economize very carefully; scrimp. [1/13 definitions]
shrimp to fish for shrimp. [2/6 definitions]
whoremonger a pimp.