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animal cracker a small cookie or cracker baked in any of various animal shapes.
cooky variant of cookie.
drop cookie a cookie made by dropping dough from a spoon onto the baking sheet, rather than by shaping or rolling it.
fortune cookie a hollow Chinese cookie made from a folded circle of thin dough, containing a slip of paper with a proverb, prediction, or the like.
gingerbread a type of cake or cookie flavored with ginger and sweetened with molasses. [1/3 definitions]
gingersnap a small, round, crisp cookie made with ginger and molasses.
hermit a spiced molasses cookie, often made with nuts and raisins. [1/2 definitions]
kiss a light cookie made of sugar and egg whites. [1/8 definitions]
lebkuchen (sometimes cap.) a type of hard or chewy cookie containing citron, nuts, and honey.
macaroon a soft, chewy cookie made of sugar, egg whites, and ground almonds or coconut.
shortbread a rich cake or cookie that contains much shortening, esp. butter.
tollhouse cookie a crisp chocolate-chip cookie sometimes containing chopped nuts.
wafer a small thin crisp cracker or cookie. [1/6 definitions]