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acid in chemistry, any of a group of substances that usu. dissolve in water, have a sour taste, and form salts in reaction with bases. (Cf. base.) [1/6 definitions]
alkaloid any of various nitrogen-containing organic bases found in plants and from which drugs such as nicotine, quinine, and morphine are made.
baseball a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, the object being to score runs by advancing runners around four bases. [1/2 definitions]
cyclone fence a strong chain-link fence, usu. high and topped with barbed wire, used around military bases, prisons, and the like.
diamond a baseball field, or the part of it having the four bases and base paths. [1/7 definitions]
first base in counterclockwise order from home plate, the first of three bases marking the infield of a baseball diamond. [1/2 definitions]
foul in baseball, a ball hit to outside the lines drawn from the rear of the homeplate to the first and third bases; foul ball. [1/21 definitions]
foul line in baseball, either of the lines extending from home plate through first and third bases to the limits of the outfield. [1/3 definitions]
home run in baseball, a hit that allows the batter enough time to touch all four bases in succession and score a run.
hydroxyl of a chemical group containing one atom each of hydrogen and oxygen, found in some bases, acids, and alcohols.
purine any of several derivatives of this substance, esp. the bases that compose nucleic acids such as adenine and guanine. [1/2 definitions]
pyrimidine an organic compound that is the fundamental form of certain bases that are constituents of nucleic acids. [2 definitions]
relativism the philosophical theory that all bases of judgment are relative to time, place, or situation.
rundown a baseball play in which a runner is put out when caught between bases. [1/2 definitions]
second base in baseball, the second of four bases, located behind the pitcher's mound and opposite home plate. [1/2 definitions]
sycamore any of a group of tall trees bearing leaves with hollow leafstalk bases and flowers in balls, esp. the American plane tree or buttonwood. [1/3 definitions]