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arouse to awaken (a person or animal) from sleep. [1/4 definitions]
ass a long-eared, usu. domesticated animal related to the horse; donkey. [1/2 definitions]
athleticism an athletic quality or capacity, as involved in or required by a particular sport, feat, or the like, or as possessed by a person or animal.
Australian of or concerning geographic regions including Australia that share common or related plant or animal species. [1/5 definitions]
axletree an axle upon which the wheels of a cart or animal-powered vehicle turn.
baby a young or newborn animal. [1/11 definitions]
baby beef a beef animal of twelve to twenty months, fattened for use as meat.
beard a similar hairy growth on an animal such as a goat. [1/4 definitions]
beast the uncivilized or animal element within humans. [2/3 definitions]
beast of burden an animal such as a donkey or ox used esp. for heavy work or carrying loads.
beaver1 the pelt or fur of this animal. [1/3 definitions]
bêche-de-mer a wormlike marine animal; trepang. [1/2 definitions]
behavior the actions and reactions of a group, person, animal, or thing, either characteristically or under specific circumstances. [1/2 definitions]
behavioral of or concerning the behavior of a person, animal, or other organism.
bellyband a girth or cinch around the belly of an animal, such as the band used to hold a saddle on a horse.
bigfoot a conjectured animal resembling a large ape or gorilla, alleged to live in the wilder areas of the Pacific Northwest; sasquatch.
bighead any of various animal diseases, esp. of sheep, characterized by inflammatory swelling of the head. [1/2 definitions]
biodiesel a low-polluting type of diesel fuel made from renewable, organically-derived oils such as vegetable oils or waste animal fats.
biodynamic1 of or relating to a form of agriculture that applies mystical and astrological practices to farming and treats soil fertility, plant growth, and animal care as ecologically interrelated tasks. [1/2 definitions]
biology the animal and plant life of a particular place or area. [1/3 definitions]
biopsy the cutting of tissue from an animal or person for study, esp. in seeking evidence of disease.