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basketball a game played by two teams of five players each, with points scored by shooting the ball through a raised metal hoop and net at the opponent's end of the court. [1/2 definitions]
benzene ring the graphic representation of the benzene molecule or its derivatives as a hexagon with a carbon atom at each of its six points, and with attached atoms of hydrogen or other elements.
berkelium a radioactive synthetic metal element of the actinide series that has ninety-seven protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Bk)
beryllium a chemical element of the alkaline-earth group that has four protons in each nucleus and occurs in pure form as a hard, light, gray solid, chiefly used in alloys with copper and in aerospace material. (symbol: Be)
best-ball of or designating a system of scoring in golf competition in which, on each hole, the lower score of either partner is recorded as the score for that team.
bestiary a medieval collection of descriptions of or fables about real or mythical animals, in which each animal's nature is used to draw a moral point.
bezique a card game similar to pinochle but using two of each card higher than a six.
bichloride a chemical compound in which there are two atoms of chlorine for each atom of another element or group; dichloride.
bifocal of eyeglasses or contact lenses, having two sections in each lens, one correcting for near vision and one for distant vision. [1/3 definitions]
bimetallism the use of two metals, usu. gold and silver, at fixed values in relation to each other, as the monetary standard of currency and value. [1/2 definitions]
bird's-eye a woven, repeated fabric pattern of diamonds, each with a dot in the center, or a fabric with such a pattern. [1/4 definitions]
bireme a galley of ancient times, with two tiers of oarsmen on each side.
bismuth a chemical element that has eighty-three protons in each nucleus and is a white brittle crystalline metal with very low thermal and electrical conductivity, used chiefly in alloys and medicines. (symbol: Bi)
blend two or more consonants that are next to each other in a word and that are pronounced together. [1/9 definitions]
blood group any of several types in which human blood can be classed, each with its own inherited immunological and agglutinative characteristics; blood type.
bootstrap a loop attached to the rear or to each side of a boot top, by which the boot is pulled on. [1/5 definitions]
boron a chemical element that has five protons in each nucleus and that occurs naturally only in compounds such as boric acid and borax. (symbol: B)
box pleat a double pleat with edges folded toward each other.
box score a statistical summary in table form of each player's performance in a game, esp. baseball or basketball.
bromine a chemical element of the halogen group that has thirty-five protons in each nucleus, occurring as a toxic, volatile, dark reddish brown liquid or in various compounds such as acids and salts. (symbol: Br)
bros. abbreviation of "brothers," two males having one or both parents in common with each other; male siblings.