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can-do reflecting an eagerness to take on something combined with the belief in one's ability to accomplish it.
cannibalize to take apart (a vehicle or other machine) so as to use the parts in other vehicles or machines. [1/4 definitions]
canny difficult to fool or take advantage of; shrewd; wary; clever.
capitalize to take advantage of something for gain or profit (usu. fol. by "on"). [1/4 definitions]
care for to take care of (a person or animal). [1/3 definitions]
carpool an arrangement among a group of automobile drivers, such as employees at the same workplace, to take turns driving each other to and from a common destination. [1/3 definitions]
carry-out of food prepared in a commercial establishment, ready to eat but to be taken off the premises; take-out. [2 definitions]
catch to take hold of (someone or something falling or thrown). [2/18 definitions]
challenge to bring into question; take exception to. [1/7 definitions]
chance it (informal) to take the risk of some bad thing happening.
check out (informal) to try out or take a look at (something or someone) in order to evaluate or form an opinion; inspect; examine. [1/5 definitions]
chill out to be relaxed or at leisure; take it easy. [1/2 definitions]
claim to take. [1/8 definitions]
clean up (informal) to earn a big profit or take in a lot of money at one time. [1/4 definitions]
closet to take aside into a private area, as for confidential discussion. [1/3 definitions]
come to pass to take place; happen.
commandeer to take by force or without authorization. [1/2 definitions]
communicant a church member who takes, or is entitled to take, Communion. [1/2 definitions]
compete to take part in organized contests or games. [1/2 definitions]
consider take into account; keep in mind. [1/7 definitions]
consult to take into account; consider. [1/4 definitions]