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Christmas the portion of the year associated with this day, often December 24 to January 6. [1/3 definitions]
Christmastide the portion of the year associated with Christmas, often December 24 to January 6.
class students who graduate in the same year. [1/8 definitions]
class rank a student's position on a list ordered by grade point average of all students in the same grade or year at a school.
comp2 (informal) a comprehensive examination, as at the end of an academic year, covering all work included in a course during that period of time.
comprehensive (often pl.) an examination covering an entire field or a whole academic year of study. [1/3 definitions]
congress (cap.) a two-year session of the U.S. House of Representatives, with the same members throughout. [1/7 definitions]
Covid-19 a serious, potentially fatal disease caused by a novel coronavirus that broke out initially in 2019 and caused a pandemic in 2020. "Co" in Covid stands for "corona," "vi" stands for "virus," and "d" stands for "disease." The number 19 refers to the year 2019.
crib death sudden infant death syndrome, the unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, usu. occurring within the first year of life, and usu. occurring in the infant's sleep.
crop the harvest of one or more agricultural products in a year or a season. [1/12 definitions]
date1 a specific day or point in time, usu. described by indicating the month, day, and year. [1/11 definitions]
Dec. abbreviation of "December," the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
December the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
deciduous of trees and shrubs, having leaves that drop off seasonally each year. (Cf. evergreen.) [1/3 definitions]
derby any of numerous horse races run every year and often restricted to three-year-old horses. [1/3 definitions]
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun crosses the earth's equator so that day and night are of equal duration worldwide, occurring in March and September.
evergreen of trees, shrubs, and the like, having leaves that remain green throughout the year. (Cf. deciduous.) [1/3 definitions]
Feb. abbreviation of "February," the second month of the Gregorian calendar year, usu. having twenty-eight days, but having one additional day every leap, or fourth, year.
February the second month of the Gregorian calendar year, usu. having twenty-eight days, but having one additional day every leap, or fourth, year.
foal a young horse, mule, or related animal, esp. under one year old. [1/2 definitions]
freshman a first-year student at a high school, college, or university. [2/4 definitions]